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Do it whenever your members are at the different locations and it is hard to be at the same place.
✔️ Since you are all members of the same team, it is good to have some team building activities occasionally so to refresh team vibes.
However, you live in the different states or even on the different continents, which requires some extra efforts to make it happen.
✔️ Here is one of various games you can play and enjoy your time spent together. The aim of this one is to make a whole person from different parts of your team members.
Someone with a good sense of humor may call it Frankenstein, but it is all up to you how you will name it.
When you say ready, you count to 5 and then print screen. All members will comment about all made Frankensteins. After all comments you can debrief the team members about associations, crossing their heads during the game.
This game can be a start kicker for anything you want to do further.
There are some questions for you:
1. During this time of the Corona virus do you recognize yourself as a victim or as someone who will benefit from the whole situation? Why?
2. What have you learned about yourself during the time of lockdown?
3. If you were the President of the World what would you do to prevent further pandemics?
4. Who have you helped during this pandemic time?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma
Idea #78 Exercise for raising self-awareness
Do it When you want to raise self-awareness
✔️ Which part of yourself believes there is something wrong with you?
✔️ Describe the qualities of this part of yourself.
✔️ What is s/he afraid of?
✔️ What do you get out of maintaining this belief?
I look forward to your comments.
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a Coaching Drama session please visit
Idea #77 Make a creative story for your brand
Do it When you want to develop creativity
Divide participants in the group of three. Give 3 cards with famous or less famous brands to each group. It doesn’t matter what the industry is. The most important part is that they have the picture of that brand in front of them. Each group will choose just one card (one brand). Then they will have to make a story connected to that brand. Dedicated time work is 5 minutes. After that they will forward their 3 brands to the next group and receive 3 new brands from the previous group. You can stop this circling (or implementation of World Café methodology) depending on the dedicated time. Leave at least two minutes for each presentation of the created stories. Most probably the stories will be fictitious. However, I have one true story for you. It is about the beer company and its famous label. The person in the picture is famous Milosav Mitrović Losa. He was a soldier in the WWI from 1914-1918. During that war he was badly wounded and the both legs were amputated. He had a coach with two horses and whenever he wanted the beer he used that coach and went to the bar in the town of Jagodina. Some marketing people from the Jagodina brewery noticed him and took a photo of him for the beer label. Mr Losa was wery happy when he noticed his face on the beer label. On the top of that he received free beer in every bar in Jagodina. Now, what do you say about this story?
There are some coaching questions for you:
1. Just imagine that you are a famous brand. Which one will you choose?
2. Why did you choose that brand?
3. Which emotion do you want your customers to associate with the brand?
4. How can you benefit from this little session?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma
Idea #76 Life in a virtual reality! Yes or No?
Do it during an individual or team session. Imagine your world as a game with significant others who would act different roles. Let them become how you would like them to be in reality. You can change their personal traits by adding or taking away whatever you find important or irritating. Create your own rules and boundaries and see how the game is going to develop.
There are some questions for you:
1. Did you take part in this game actively as a protagonist or you only observed the game as a creator?
2. Whose personality in the game differs most from his/ her real personality?
3. How satisfied are you with your life on a scale from 1 to 10 where 10 stands for maximum satisfaction and 1 stands for minimum satisfaction.
4. How would you change the other people’ s behavior by changing your own behavior? Make a list of activities.
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma
Do it When you want to warm up participants’ emotions.
Divide participants in a few pairs. Each pair has to recall 10 situations and identify the most dominant emotions such as joy, fear, sadness, anger that appeared then. Then each pair makes a list of 10 situations with the identified emotions. In addition, participants should dedicate a name of movie or book to each situation and emotion. After that each group will talk about the situation and its associated emotion. Then all other pairs will have to guess the name of the book or movie dedicated to each situation. After this the participants will be ready for any activities you are planning to do with them.
Now coaching questions for you:
1. What is your most dominant emotion on a daily basis?
2. How does that emotion affect you both personally and professionally.
3. What can you do to benefit from that emotion?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma

If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma
Do it When you want to develop your team members.
As you know team members do not have time to read books. Consequently, if they do not read, they cannot develop their skills. So here is one tip how you can motivate them to develop themselves on a daily basis. Every week one of them should start to read a book. During that week he/she should read only 30 pages of the book. At the next meeting he/she should make a small presentation on what he /she has learned. Then, all other members of the team should write down their own ideas about: How it can be implemented in their organisation. After you do that just once per week for one year period, you all will have 6 books read. On the top of it, you will have a special box full of ideas that can be implemented in your organisation. This is something that I suggest to all companies I cooperate with. Everyone is in the good mood praticing: presentation skills, brainstorming ideas, as well as learning something totally new and developing each member of the team.
Now coaching questions for you:
1. Which book do you suggest that we should read concerning change?
2. Which book do you suggest that we should read concerning personal development?
3. Which book do you suggest that we should read concerning professional development?
4. Which book from your cultural heritage has made the strongest influence on you?
5. What book do you need to read to put yourself on the next level of knowledge?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
Do it When your want to open up participants. You need only 2 chairs. If the participants are from the different continents, then one chair will represent the North Pole and the other the South Pole. If they are from the same country, then one chair will represent the northernmost town and the other will represent the southernmost town in the country.
Ask them to find their place and to stand between those two chairs according to the distance from their hometowns and the northest or the southest part of the country.
When they finish that, they have to prepare a two- minute presentation of their hometown. What is important for that town? Who else was born there? What is a song that mentions the town? We all like to talk about ourselves and to explain how special we are!
Now coaching questions for you:
1. Which famous person was born in your hometown?
2. What are his-her 3 personal values that you admire?
3. Concerning your life which advice will be appropriate to receive from him-her?
4. In which way would that advice change your life?
5. What kind of person would you be with accepting that advice?
6. What will be your time frame for putting that advice into practice?
7. What will be your personal reminder for fulfilling that?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
Idea #71 Fables for the 21 century
Do it When your want to talk about desirable characteristics in your company. Aesop’s Fables or the Aesopica is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and story-teller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 560 BCE. Every fable has a story in which characters of the people are personified in animals. In addition, every fable has its morale and because of that fables are told to the children while they were building their value systems. I think that nowadays fables should be used in companies to build value system of the organizations. Divide your participants in small groups and in each group tell them to find 3 characteristics that are totally unacceptable in your organization. After that, tell them to reverse those characteristics and find 3 positive. Now, for each characteristic they have to find one animal that will represent it. After that each group just has to make its unique fable. To make it more interesting each group will make a drawing about its fable. In the end, read them all and show the morale of each fable. While preparing the workshop for my group, 3 fables came to my mind. Here is the first one.
A Midnight rooster
Every morning a rooster was first to wake up in the farm announcing to all other animals that the new day had come. But the young hens had some new habits. They liked to sleep late in the morning. So they made a cunning plan. The young hens came to the rooster with a story that he had an extraordinary voice and that he should try to sing during the night for them. The rooster was flattered and he accepted to make them serenades during the nights. The poor rooster was caught in a trap to sing all night long, so he couldn’t wake up in the morning. The farmer noticed that there was something wrong with the rooster, so he killed and fried him.
Morale of the fable: Do your job properly no matter what “young chicks” will tell you to do.
Now coaching questions for you:
1. Think about your life. Dedicate one animal to all 8 areas of your life. What animals will you choose? The areas are: Physical Environment, Career, Money, Health, Romance, Friends / Family, Personal Growth and Fun / Recreation.
2. Make stories for all 8 animals.
3. What would you suggest to each animal?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
Idea #70 Motivation book
Do it When your want to motivate yourself whenever you feel like that. In addition, a motivation book could be used as a present for someone you want to make tick. Motivation is like hygiene. The same as we have to wash our face every day, we also have to motivate ourselves day to day. In the picture is the reference book I made for my friend. I asked our colleagues, each of them to write or draw on paper their thoughts about him. Then, I collected all paper sheets with their drawn thoughts and put them in a binder. I decided to use a special occasion, his birthday, and prior to his lecture to give him the motivation book as a present. He was so touched, and we were all so happy. Like Charles R. Swindoll said: “I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy.” I know that we gave him “a heart full of joy“, but more than that we gave him The Reference book for Motivation. Whenever he wants to boost his motivation, he just has to open the book and to leaf through pages. He will find so many positive things about himself which will raise his motivation to the next level. I know that I have given you an idea, but that is not enough. Go right away and write a motivation book to someone you love!
Now coaching questions for you:
1. Just imagine that you would receive The Reference book for Motivation.
Explain it in details.
2. Why would it be so important to you?
3. How will that book affect your future actions?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!