Do it When you want to connect your people during team building.
Usually people immediately recognise what is different between them. Someone said: “If there is 99% equality and 1% difference people will put there focus ion that 1 %”. Now in your team you are going to make the right way. All people in team will bond together.
First you will give a colored pencil to each member of your team. Now they have to pair up with someone whose pencil is similar color to their own. In pairs they will discuss for 3 minutes what are there personal similarities. Now they will find someone with pencil with very different color. For 3 minutes they will in pairs discuss what are differences among them. At the end your team will join chairs in circle. Making rainbow of colors, and each one will say
what he has discovered from the person that they have in common,
and what from person that are different?
How our team will benefit from our similarities and
how from differences?
You can put your comments on flip chart, picture it and make poster.
Please, sent it to us 🙂
Belbin roles
These types were defined by Dr. R. Meredith Belbin after studying teams at Henley Management College.
Overall…………Belbin roles…..Description
Doing / acting….Implementer…..Well-organized and predictable. Takes basic
…………………………………ideas and makes them work in practice. Can
…………………………………be slow.
………………..Shaper……..Lots of energy and action,challenging others
……………………………….to move forwards. Can be insensitive.
………………..Completer/Finisher…Reliably sees things through to the
…………………………………..end, ironing out the wrinkles and
…………………………………..ensuring everything works well. Can
…………………………………..worry too much and not trust others.
Thinking / problem-solving..Plant….Solves difficult problems with original
…………………………………and creative ideas. Can be poor
…………………………………communicator and may ignore the details.
……………………….Monitor/Evaluator…Sees the big picture. Thinks
…………………………………carefully and accurately about things.
…………………………………May lack energy or ability to inspire
……………………….Specialist…Has expert knowledge/skills in key
…………………………………..areas and will solve many problems
………………………………… Can be disinterested in all
…………………………………..other areas.
People / feelings…..Coordinator..Respected leader who helps everyone focus
……………………………………on their task. Can be seen as excessively
……………………..Team worker…..Cares for individuals and the team. ……………………………………Good listener and works to resolve social
……………………………………problems. Can have problems making difficult
…………………..Resource/investigator..Explores new ideas and possibilities
……………………………………with energy and with others. Good networker.
……………………………………Can be too optimistic and lose energy after
……………………………………the initial flush.