Do it On every training when someone says: “How can I be fresh whole day when I have to deal with people who are miserable?”
When I worked in Vancouver 94/95 I had a friend Natasha. During day shifts she worked as cashier at Safeway. In the evenings she worked as waitress and singer in the night bar.
I remember her as someone with great personality and always with a smile on her face.

Once I asked her: “I know it is hard working with people and especially working with money. As cashier, you work with people and money at the same time.
How do you constantly keep a smile on your face?”
Natasha said: “It is easy. When I notice that angry or miserable person comes to me I greet him with Australian accent. He or she can notice that immediately. Then customer asks me: “Are you from Australia?” And I reply: Yes! Then customer continues: “How do you like Vancouver?” Then I say that I am enjoying staying here. People are so nice and friendly. At that moment customer’s face shifts into smile, and we continue to chat while I make his/her bill.”
When I heard that I was astonished. I still think that Natasha is like Thinkel Bell, with magic stick bringing smile to the miserable people.
Now, think about someone who is perfect in dealing with all kinds of people.
1. How would your people look if they know the secret?
2. What would be their motivation?
3. What is his/her secret?
4. Why is that so important to you?
5. What actions would that person suggest for being “fresh” when dealing all day with people and money?
6. When are you going to implement those actions?

1 Comment on Idea #11 How to deal with miserable people and be fresh like Natasha?

One Reply to “Idea #11 How to deal with miserable people and be fresh like Natasha?”

  1. “When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred. “ – Thomas Jefferson
    I always try to understand those who are angry and never defend myself from them. Sometimes if I remain detached and calm customers may begin to feel guilty about venting their anger on me. Inspired by my calmness, they will seek subconsciously to do the same.

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