Do it When you want to think about recycling and during team building.
Maybe you have heard of Richie Sowa, a man who built his own floating island. Important thing is that island is made from old plastic bottles. Making something useful Richie has recycled something that was planned to be trash.
Now, inspired with movie let’s see how we can make the similar. Your company for sure deserves an island. If you have no lake (or license) to build it, you can make an island at your backyard. It doesn’t have to be by 250,000 bottles, but use as many as possible. Make a small island, just for your team. You are not allowed to buy anything in the store for making it. Just collect things that you normally throw away. When you finish your company island make discussion.
What have you learned during this event?
What was important for each of us during this event?
What else might be a good idea for growing your island?
Come aboard on your island, have fun 🙂 and make a picture.

3 Comments on Idea #9 Your Company Island is waiting Sir…

3 Replies to “Idea #9 Your Company Island is waiting Sir…”

  1. In our company we have done collecting plastic bottles last summer. I wish we have done something similar like this.

  2. Have you heard about Creative Eco Challenge?
    Using topics relating to ‘green’ issues, participants will gain a better understanding of how we can all help the environment
    Participants are split into teams of 6 to 8 people and each team must design and build a 3D creation using the recycled materials available
    Teams will earn ‘carbon credits’ by completing various eco challenges
    As well as learning valuable information about being ‘green’, this team building activity encourages the development of time management, organisation and leadership skills

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