Whenever you have training or meeting there is someone that is late. Is it true?
What to do with those people that think there time is more valuable than ours?
Obviously we have to change their behavior. And how are we going to do that? The only way is by changing our behavior! Next time introduce to all in your team or group that you are starting at given time and expecting that everyone will be punctual. However, for those who are going to be late you are introducing money box. With label $ 10.
Just put that box on a single chair or on the desk where person has to pass entering the room. You don’t have to say anything participants will react.
Even money has shown best results you can make variations.
Someone who is late has to say motivational quote or sing a song.
Questions for you:
1. What other variations you can imagine?
2. What to do if person doesn’t want to pay a fine?
Please reply and send to us a picture of your money box.
Just thinking.
If person has a good excuse.
Then he doesn’t have to pay. Right?