Do it During team building. Great Zig Ziglar had funny story about gees.
He would ask participants 3 questions and encourage them for answers.

  1. Why are geese flying in “V” formation?  And most of the people are familiar that using that trick geese save 70% of the energy.
  2. Why from time to time geese change formation for several seconds? Again, there is in every group someone that will explain that leading goose is accepting the majority of the air pressure and for a while another goose will take its position
  3. Why is one leg of the formation always longer than other?  Looks like everyone has noticed that but no one has logical explanation. Then Zig would say: “Because in that “leg” are more geese!

This will make people laugh, more connected and prepared for main topic. [youtube][/youtube]

There much more we can learn from the geese.
1. Geese flying at the end of formation are honking for supporting ones at front.
2. When a goose drops out of formation due to sickness or tiredness, two other geese join her and protect until it is ready again.

Now, you can make a discussion:
Imagine our team being more efficient, supportive, caring and sharing the load.
1. What our team would look like?
2. What are even deeper goals with this achievement?
3. How are we going to know that we have made such team?

Looking for deeper goals will make your team building much more than they expected.

Now coaching questions for you?
1. What would be the master plan for achieving team building Zig Ziglar would be proud of you?
2. What are some of the best ways you can perform it?
3. How can you make this team building more meaningful of yourself and your team?
I feel your passion for getting to start.
Thank you for sharing your ideas with us and send us pictures from your team building.

2 Comments on Idea #17 Learn from the Zig & geese

2 Replies to “Idea #17 Learn from the Zig & geese”

  1. “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro
    “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”

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