Do it When you want to connect people and make a team. 
African born English Writer, William Plomer said: “Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.”
Now, we are going to implement that creativity in practice. All you need is love 🙂 and a bag of m&ms or any other colored candies.
Closed eyes each member of your team has to take one candy. Just tell them that take it doesn’t mean eat it.

When everyone has his candy including you tell them the rules. One by one according to clockwise order, everyone has to tell in 3 sentences a story based on following:
Red candy: Why he/she likes to work in your company?
Blue candy: When  he/she was the most proud during his career?
Yellow candy: What was the most difficult client and how he/she has solved that?
Brown candy: When was the time he has felt miserable and how he has overcame that?
Green candy: What is his/her the most ambitious plan in your company?
Orange candy: What his/her boss said to him that made him the proudest person?
When all finish they can eat candies, and we can start coaching!
1. Now, when you know the code, which candy would you choose? 
2. Connect that candy with one of your goals. Which one is that?
3. What is the tine frame for that goal?
4. Why is that goal important to you? 
5. What will make that goal even more important to you?
6. How will you know that you get it?
7. What will be the series of steps that will bring you to your goal?
8. Who might help you?
9. What would that person suggest you to do?
10. How are you going ti commit yourself to do it?
Thank you, and please tell us are we helpful to you?
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