Do it When you want to bust morale among employees.
Everyone has to imagine that this is his/her last day at office. But not that way, most people are afraid. A long time form now, they are going to retirement.  Each one will receive golden watch. On the back of the watch 3 words are engraved. Obviously those 3 words will be summary of his/her previous work in the company.  Invite all of them to write his/her 3 words and to put them in one sentence. Good beginning of that sentence will be: “I want to be remembered in this company as person who was: __________, __________ and ____________. “
Tell them that by Changing their values, they can change their lives!

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that your child (children) are coming to visit your company 5 years from your last day in that company. They met on of your employees. What would he/she said about you?
2. Lets imagine he/she will have to scale all your skills from 1 to 10. What mark would you got?
3. Why you have deserved such high grade?
4. What would be the week point?
5. What would be the best way for changing that grade?
6. Now, your children will talk to your boss. What would he/she said about you?
7. Lets imagine he/she will have to scale all your skills from 1 to 10. What mark would you got?
8. Why you have deserved such high grade?
9. What would be the week point?
10. What would be the best way for changing that grade?
Now, all you have to do is to make your action list with time frame, and just do it.

3 Comments on Idea #29 You last day at office

3 Replies to “Idea #29 You last day at office”

  1. I have read similar game to this in one book, but there was like people are at your funeral, and talking about you. I like this version much better.

    1. Dear James,
      Thank you for excelent question.
      My site has fallowing connections with World Cafe:
      1. We share theory of morphogenetic fields which proposes that memory is inherent in nature. It suggests that natural systems inherit a collective memory from all previous and present things of their kind. World Cafe shares idea that idea that We Can Be Wise Only Together.
      2. We both create culture of Dialogue. Our visitors are welcomed to come with creative ideas.
      3. We both Explore Questions That Matter. At the end of each article we give fro 5 to 10 questions that will make people think.
      4. We both Encourage Everyone’s Contribution, so you are welcome to post your comment directly on site
      5. We keep all comments so we can all Harvest and Share Collective Discoveries.
      6. For last 12 years in my company through different methodologies (World Cafe is just one of them) I am encouraging people to discover the Magic of Collective Creativity, which is exactly what World Cafe is for.
      7. And for sure before beginning of each world cafe we can use some of icebreakers just to war people before major question is set.

      Best regards to all of you and thank you James for giving me such a great question

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