Do it when you have to organize your day. Some people believe that they are delivering Time Management training. I don’t think that is possible. You can only manage your actions, not time. I am not playing with word. When you realize difference you are on the right way. So I am asking you to fulfill two identical circles. One with actions that you are doing right now during 24 hours period. Then do the other which is called your dream 24 hours. Then compare the difference. All you have to do is to make action plan how are you going to manage the difference. And that is managing actions in time. Take time and do this. Remember what Seneca said: “If not us, who, if not now, when?”
 Now, more coaching questions for you:
1. Looking at your dream 24 hours, tell me what kind of person would you be with that kind of organizing your actions?
2. Who else will benefit from that?
3. How satisfied will you be on a scale from 1 to 10?
4. What will you be able to do to have that kind of life?
5. What will be the time frame for succeeding your goal?
6. What will be the best start for making that change?
7. Write down all actions that will help you reaching your goal.
8. Where are you going to put that action plan and 2 circles so you can see your progres?
When you succeed send us your circles, and we are going to post them on comments  🙂

1 Comment on Idea #36 Compare your present & dream 24 hours

One Reply to “Idea #36 Compare your present & dream 24 hours”

  1. Why people in western world constantly dream about: dream house in the country, dream closet, dream kitchen at lake house, dream bedroom at your beach house, dream view from your balcony at beach house, pool in the back when get tired of the beach, dream car Lamborghini… What is the point of that life?

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