Do it when you want to train decision making. Often we say that while making decisions is good to exclude emotions, using only our logic. At the same time, there are so many emotional decision making techniques. Even with what we believe are rational decisions, the very point of choice is always based on emotion. It is much easier to understand if we say that emotions are signals from the subconscious mind. Now, we can start game. Divide participants in 2 groups. First group has to prepare presentation of one of your products using only logic. Presentation has to include poster and sales speech. Other group has to do the same thing using only logic.
Give them 15 minutes for preparation. Then they will do the presentations.
Objections and questions from the other group are the most important part.
Answering them each group can use bith, emotion and logic.
Coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that your career is guided just by your intuition and that you can fail. How confident will you be on a scale from 1 to 10?
2. Beside confidence, what other your values will benefit?
3. How your life looks then? Explain it in 3 sentences?
4. What is stopping you from reaching that goal?
5. What can you do to raise your present level of confidence?
6. What further steps can you make?
7. How can you make system for constantly boosting your confidence?
8. How committed you are to implement that system?
9. When are you going to start with your system?
Thank you, I can feel your confidence right now!
Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio studied people who had received brain injuries that had had one specific effect: to damage that part of the brain where emotions are generated. In all other respects they seemed normal – they just lost the ability to feel emotions.
The interesting thing he found was that their ability to make decisions was seriously impaired. They could logically describe what they should be doing, in practice they found it very difficult to make decisions about where to live, what to eat, etc.
In particular, many decisions have pros and cons on both sides. Shall I have the fish or the beef? With no rational way to decide, they were unable to make the decision.
Logic is a Slave to Emotion!