Do it When you want to gain creative ideas. As great Albert Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Implementing coaching we are changing the way we are thinking and on the top of that we are changing the way we are writing our ideas. Whenever you have some ideas write it in notebook but start from the last page. Since our school days we have learned that all answers are written on the last pages. If you write idea #001 on the last page, you will have a plenty of pages and numbers to use but arranged in reverse order.
When you implement idea just circle it. My creative book is on this picture.

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine a problem that you can’t solve with present way of thinking. What is it?
2. How important for you is to solve that problem?
3. What would you be with that problem solved?
4. Imagine the person that might have solution to that problem. Who is he?
5. That person gives you the book with all answers. Tell me when you get that picture.
6. I want you to take that book and turn the last page.
7. Tell me what is written as answer?
Thank you for your answer.

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