Do it When you train your people how to deal with difficult people. In our business dealing with difficult people is mandatory. “Difficult People are your key to self- empowerment, you need to learn how to cope with them, do not let them dominate and affect you.” – Janice Davies. One of techniques is to teach them to wear virtual protection from difficult people, as well as to establish a close rapport with them by showing empathy and incessantly reminding them that they are wearing invisible Full MeNtal Jacket. As a result, every bad word, anger, every feeling of negative energy will be stopped. If your employees manage to recognize and accept that tool, they will deal with difficult people more easily.

Coaching questions for you are as follows:
1. Which symptoms do you notice in your body when you deal with difficult people?
2. In which part of your body do you notice that?
3. What is the shape of that symptom?
4. Is it sharp or smooth?
5. In which color is it?
6. Is it stable or spinning? If spinning, is it clockwise or counter-clockwise?
7. Is it getting hot or cold?
8. Now when you have a full picture of that symptom, imagine that your mind is creating protection. That protection has a shape, color, speed and direction opposite to your symptom but much bigger. 
In addition, that protection is moving from your mind to the part of your body where you are feeling the symptom.
9. That protection is overwhelming your symptom and destroying it.
10. How are you feeling now?
Thank you and good luck.
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