Do it When you train creativity. Supply them with child bricks. All bricks have to have the same width and length. Only high and color ones have to be different. Each group has a task to present different characters or products by using only bricks. After 15 minutes some groups have to present their results and the other ones have to guess what character or product is about.
As Florence King said:  “Americans worship creativity the way they worship physical beauty – as a way of enjoying elitism without guilt: God did it.” But we know that we can develop creativity, just like we can develop our physical beauty.
Just for practising creativity, try to guess which cartoon characters are in picture below.

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What is the most important thing that you can learn from your favorite cartoon character?
2. After having had that lesson how would your life look like?
3. What other values would you have?
4. What goals would you target then?
5. What would the very best action plan to that goal look like?
6. How would you know that you are on the right tracks?
7. What would make you go even further?
8. What would you say to your favorite cartoon character at the end?

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