Do it When your employees have to think about themselves. From time to time it is necessary that we all make this exercise. You are going to get retired. Be relaxed, it will not happen this year, but in 3 years. So, you will have a lot of time to make some changes. Imagine that during that ceremony 3 persons will talk about you. The first one will be your boss. Write down what will be his/her 5 sentences about you. The second person will be your colleague, someone that is at the same level of hierarchy in the company with you. Write down what will be his/her 5 sentences about you. The third person will be your subordinate. If you have no one that is at lower level of hierarchy than you, imagine that you have someone that is just 3 months in your company. Write down what will be his/her 5 sentences about you. When all employees finish with this task, ask them to grade their satisfaction on the scale from 1 to 10 when the 10 is maximum. Ask them to write down one action for each from those 3 people that will move their level of satisfaction for one grade. Tell them to make a plan for implementing those actions.
!#68 pica

Now coaching questions for you:
1. In which areas of your life would you find useful to implement a similar game?
2. Who would be a more appropriate person to talk about you instead of your boss, your colleague and your subordinate?
3. Why is her/his opinion of you important to you?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!

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