Do it whenever your members are at the different locations and it is hard to be at the same place.

✔️ Since you are all members of the same team, it is good to have some team building activities occasionally so to refresh team vibes.

However, you live in the different states or even on the different continents, which requires some extra efforts to make it happen.

✔️ Here is one of various games you can play and enjoy your time spent together. The aim of this one is to make a whole person from different parts of your team members.

Someone with a good sense of humor may call it Frankenstein, but it is all up to you how you will name it.

When you say ready, you count to 5 and then print screen. All members will comment about all made Frankensteins. After all comments you can debrief the team members about associations, crossing their heads during the game.
This game can be a start kicker for anything you want to do further. tim bilding u doba corone
There are some questions for you:
1. During this time of the Corona virus do you recognize yourself as a victim or as someone who will benefit from the whole situation? Why?
2. What have you learned about yourself during the time of lockdown?
3. If you were the President of the World what would you do to prevent further pandemics?
4. Who have you helped during this pandemic time?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma

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