Do it When you want to develop creativity
Divide participants in the group of three. Give 3 cards with famous or less famous brands to each group. It doesn’t matter what the industry is. The most important part is that they have the picture of that brand in front of them. Each group will choose just one card (one brand). Then they will have to make a story connected to that brand. Dedicated time work is 5 minutes. After that they will forward their 3 brands to the next group and receive 3 new brands from the previous group. You can stop this circling (or implementation of World Café methodology) depending on the dedicated time. Leave at least two minutes for each presentation of the created stories. Most probably the stories will be fictitious. However, I have one true story for you. It is about the beer company and its famous label. The person in the picture is famous Milosav Mitrović Losa. He was a soldier in the WWI from 1914-1918. During that war he was badly wounded and the both legs were amputated. He had a coach with two horses and whenever he wanted the beer he used that … Read more
Idea #75 Icebreaker Emotions we remember
Do it When you want to warm up participants’ emotions.
Divide participants in a few pairs. Each pair has to recall 10 situations and identify the most dominant emotions such as joy, fear, sadness, anger that appeared then. Then each pair makes a list of 10 situations with the identified emotions. In addition, participants should dedicate a name of movie or book to each situation and emotion. After that each group will talk about the situation and its associated emotion. Then all other pairs will have to guess the name of the book or movie dedicated to each situation. After this the participants will be ready for any activities you are planning to do with them.
Now coaching questions for you:
1. What is your most dominant emotion on a daily basis?
2. How does that emotion affect you both personally and professionally.
3. What can you do to benefit from that emotion?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma
Idea #74 Old cell phones for Team Building
Idea #72 The World We Live In
Do it When your want to open up participants. You need only 2 chairs. If the participants are from the different continents, then one chair will represent the North Pole and the other the South Pole. If they are from the same country, then one chair will represent the northernmost town and the other will represent the southernmost town in the country.
Ask them to find their place and to stand between those two chairs according to the distance from their hometowns and the northest or the southest part of the country.
When they finish that, they have to prepare a two- minute presentation of their hometown. What is important for that town? Who else was born there? What is a song that mentions the town? We all like to talk about ourselves and to explain how special we are!
Now coaching questions for you:
1. Which famous person was born in your hometown?
2. What are his-her 3 personal values that you admire?
3. Concerning your life which advice will be appropriate to receive from him-her?
4. In which way would that advice change your life?
5. What kind of person would you be with accepting that advice?… Read more
Idea #67 Are Salesman born or made?
Lets hear another story for sales force. The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship.
Little Mary led off: “I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30,” she said proudly, “my sales approach was to appeal to the customer’s civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.”
“Very good,” said the teacher.
Little Sally was next: “I sold magazines,” she said, “I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them abreast of current events.”
“Very good, Sally,” said the teacher.
Eventually, it was Little Johnny’s turn. The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher’s desk “$2,467,” he said.
“$2,467,” cried the teacher, “what in the world were you selling?”
“Tooth brushes,” said Little Johnny. “Tooth brushes,” echoed the teacher, “how could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?”
“I found the busiest corner in town,” said Little Johnny. “I set up a Chip and Dip stand. I gave everybody who walked by a sample. … Read more
Idea #65 Envelop under the chair
Do it at the beginning of the training When you want to start with something new and introduce them at the same time. In the envelops you will give them instructions what to do. For instance you could give them puzzles which are mixed in different envelops. So each person will have to check his parts of puzzle with other participants. During that conversation they will meet and introduce each other. On every training you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.
Now, questions for you:
1. What else could you find in the envelops?
2. How could you meet other people in different way?
3. Who are the people that you remember?
Thank you for your work!
Idea #64 Learn to smile with eyes
Do it during training of non verbal communication When you want to give them something special. We all know that today from an employee is expected to smile. But it is not easy! We all know to smile but our eyes are telling the truth. If you are not happy, you can’t smile from the heart. As the Chinese proverb says: “If you don’t know how to smile, don’t play the game of selling”. So, obviously we have to learn how to smile.
Ask all participants to put hands firmly on their mouths. Now, they have to face each other and each of them to show to his/her partner that he/she is happy. Obviously the only way is to show it by his/her eyes. Now, when they get the idea, just continue with a practice. Next time they will have a new learned behavior. Now, when you see a customer without a smile, give him one of yours.
Now, questions you have to think about:
1. What makes you smile?
2. How do you feel when you smile?
3. What is the connection between your smile and your feelings?
4. Have you ever tried to change your … Read more
Idea #63 The message in a bottle (balloon)
Do it at the beginning of the training when you want from participants to set their goals for the training session. As you know it is mandatory for participants to define the training goals at the very beginning of the training. They can write those goals on the paper as usual. Then you will surprise them with the following instruction. Ask them to put that message in a balloon and then to blow the balloon. Now, keep those balloons aside until the end of the training. During the final part of the training ask each of them to use a needle and to pin the balloon. The balloon will explode and the message will drop out.
Now each person will just have to read the goal and answer what he/she has learned about that goal. Remember as Yogi Berra said: “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up some place else.” But, if you know where you are going, let’s make something spectacular at the end of your journey.
Now, questions you have to think about:
1. What does your team need at this moment?
2. What tool could you use for another group … Read more
Idea #62 I like about her…
Do it When you want them to introduce each other. At the beginning of the session ask participants to introduce themselves and as a part of the introduction they should share something they like or respect about the person on their right. After that, ask all of them what they have learnt about their counterpart. “It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” -Bob Proctor
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What do you respect about the person that was with you during session today?
2. In which way would you like to be like that person?
3. How this change is affecting your business?
4. What are advantages of this change?
5. What are the bad things in this change?
6. What else is even more important to you right now?
7. How important to you is to make necessary changes?
8. Who else will benefit from this change?
9. Make a list of all actions that you have to make so you will be prepared for the change?
10. Now, think about actions that other industries will make. Which of them are applicable in your company?
11. Now, when you … Read more
Idea #61 Day in a week without cell phone
Do it When you want to make a better relationship. This idea is closely connected to your private life. Since every businessman has a strong urge to balance his private and business life, this idea would affect your business life.The idea is to turn off your cell phone once in a week. Let’s say it would be Sunday. Make an agreement with your partner to turn off cell phones for whole Sunday. Can you survive it? If you can succeed in it, I would like to congratulate you. This little idea could affect your business life and improve your relationship with your partner. And when you improve your relationship…, anything is possible. 🙂 Remember, what your Bikram Choudhury said: “Never too old, never too bad, never too late, never too sick to start from scratch once again.”
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Just imagine your perfect relationship with your partner. What does it look like?
2. How do you describe this relationship in one sentence?
3. What would be the time frame for this goal?
4. Why is this goal important to you?
5. Who would you be when you reach that goal?
6. Why is that … Read more
Idea #59 What are Characteristics of your Team?
Do it When you want to make a team building. Divide your team in the groups of three. Give them the same task. Imagine that your team is represented with an animal, but that animal has to be the combination of three animals with one characteristic from each one. For example, we are as brave as a tiger, with the speed of an antelope and we are strong like an elephant. Now each group should draw its animal as a group logo. All three members of the group should draw at the same time. At the end make presentations and discussions. Remind them of this quote: “What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for individual competitive profit or recognition, but for contribution to the system as a whole on a win-win basis.” – W. Edward Deming
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that for solving your main company problem you should develop three characteristics. Name all 3 of them?
2. What does the solution to this problem mean to you?
3. How would you know … Read more
Idea #56 Champions & Stupid ones
Do it When you train managers for delivering feedback & motivating employees. Task for all participants is to write down the situation from the past when they have felt stupid during communication with their boss. Everyone has to read that situation and discuss what has made him that he felt that way. After that everyone has to write down situation when he has felt like champion in communication with his boss. After that he has to explain what has made him felt that way. After that we will all gain conclusions. What is important for feedback and motivation employees?
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Remember the time when you felt like champion. Having that in your mind make a goal for your next coaching session. What it would be?
2. Why is that so important to you?
3. What values you have right now that makes you champion?
5. What else is even more important for your right now?
6. Who else would beneffit then?
7. Now as champion what could you do to reach your goal?
8. What would be the time frame for that?
10. What would be the action plan for that?
11. … Read more
Idea #55 What we have learned from donkeys
Do it When you train team building. First tell them a story: Once upon a time there were two donkeys that were tied together. They both wanted to eat off the bushes but the rope wasn’t long enough. They both really wanted to eat but they just couldn’t reach,so they just pulled and pulled hoping that the rope would stretch but it wouldn’t. Because they couldn’t reach,the donkey just sat and tried to think of a way to eat? Then one suddenly clicked and said “now that we are friends why don’t we just stand next to each other and take turns”. They decided they’d eaten all they could from the other bush, so they moved to the next one and carried on all day.
Now, ask each of them to write a list of things that he/she will do for other members of the team. The employee with the longest list will receive a prize.
Make smaller prizes for all members of the team.
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that you can help your team members in the way that is the most valuable for them. What would it be?
2. Why is that so important for … Read more
Idea #50 Communication without questions
Do it When you deliver communication training. It is important for participants to understand importance of asking questions. Take a simple picture below and explain it to participants as much better as you can. They have to draw it without asking questions. You will be surprised at the end how many different drawing you will see. After that use different picture, and allow them to ask questions. For sure results would be better.
Make a discussion after that about importance of questions. You can use this quote also: “Albert grunted. “Do you know what happens to lads who ask too many questions?” Mort thought for a moment. “No,” he said eventually, “what?” There was silence. Then Albert straightened up and said, “Damned if I know. Probably they get answers, and serve ’em right.” ― Terry Pratchett, Mort
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What is the most important question that you could ask yourself?
2. What would be the answer to that question?
3. Knowing that answer what advantage you have in your life?
4. Having that advantage, what other skills would you have?
5. What would be the very best action plan to implement that answer in … Read more
Idea #49 Deaf dance
Do it When you want to build your team. Task for a team leader is to perform a musical composition just by clapping with his hands and stepping with his feet. Then his team has to repeat this activity and say what the name of the song that he has performed is. He has to make 3 different performances, and his team has to guess at least two of them. After that we need to discuss what we can do to make a better connection between a leader and the team.
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that you are a perfect team leader. What does it look like?
2. Why is that important for your business?
3. How can you know that you are perfect?
4. What other values do you have then?
5. What else is even more important to you?
6. Who else can benefit from you as a perfect team leader?
7. How can you be sure that you are on the right track to achieve your goal?
8. Who can help you on your way towards the goal?
9. How would you engage all those people to help you?
10. What will the … Read more
Idea #44 Full MeNtal Jacket
Do it When you train your people how to deal with difficult people. In our business dealing with difficult people is mandatory. “Difficult People are your key to self- empowerment, you need to learn how to cope with them, do not let them dominate and affect you.” – Janice Davies. One of techniques is to teach them to wear virtual protection from difficult people, as well as to establish a close rapport with them by showing empathy and incessantly reminding them that they are wearing invisible Full MeNtal Jacket. As a result, every bad word, anger, every feeling of negative energy will be stopped. If your employees manage to recognize and accept that tool, they will deal with difficult people more easily.
1. Which symptoms do you notice in your body when you deal with difficult people?
2. In which part of your body do you notice that?
3. What is the shape of that symptom?
4. Is it sharp or smooth?
5. In which color is it?
6. Is it stable or spinning? If spinning, is it clockwise or counter-clockwise?
7. Is it getting hot or cold?
8. Now when you
Idea #40 Leadership by the finger
Do it during training when you want to point that managing people is 2 way street. Divide participants in pairs. They have to stand facing each other.
Person A has to point his/her finger just next to the nous of person B. Just give instruction that person A has to move his/her finger and person B has to maintain the same distance between his nous and finger of person A. Very soon everyone will show their real personality. Some people will just move finger left to right without moving arm. But, some of them will give them a full speed and creativity making spirals with finger. After 2 minutes ask them to switch the roles. The very next moment you will hear laugh, because everyone knows what will happen. Those who were gentle will receive the same treatment. But the other ones will experience rollercoaster journey. This is the best way to show participants, especially managers that we are all dealing with people like us.
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine yourself giving feedback to one of your employee. On the same time you have noticed that in the room is (invisible for your employee) person … Read more
Idea #39 Cherishing problems
Do it when you want to find real problems and answers to them. Old people say: “Where is the illness there’s a cure”. In business world it means that people who are in the front line dealing with problems are first one who will notice them and find the answer. Just they have to be motivated to do that. Otherwise they will just complain about their destiny. So first you have to motivate them to escalate the problem to you. Make competition that every week all employees will send by email the most difficult situations.
Choose the hardest and give price to that person. Now for next 7 days all people will have to think about solving that situation. Choose the best answer and give price to that person. At the same time competition will be for the next difficult situation. So, from now on, every week you will have two competitions. First, for the best problem and second for the best answer for situation from the previous week. Just imagine how strong your team will be in a year. Special note: It is not allowed to give money for the price!
Now, coaching questions for you:… Read more
Idea #31 Maximum training results
Do it when you are asked: “How can you guarantee that participants will accept skills from your training?” I have applied at some French company for delivering soft skills to their managers. In application form one of the questions was: “How can you guarantee that participants will accept skills from your training?” If you have any experience in training than I am sure that you have seen curve explaining that training without mentoring and coaching sessions will make maximum 10 % improvement. So I come to the following idea. I will guaranty that participants will gain any percentage that we would agree was acceptable. And after a month we will do evaluation. If participants fail, company will have to pay 3 times value of training. In that way I am 100 % sure that they will find way for coaching, mentoring, refreshing and everything that is necessary for successful learning. What are your thoughts?
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that you have to deliver training to a very important group of managers. How would you prepare?
2. How important is that training to you?
3. Who will also benefit from it?
4. Who are you in eyes … Read more
Idea #20 How to improve cheering up?
Do it When you want to improve your leadership skills.
Looks like some areas can’t be improved. Like funs cheering up their team.
You can only bring more fans, make more noise, use more creative choreography.
And that’s it. Or you can think “out of the box” like supporters of Galatasaray (Turkey). They made 3 D choreography. 🙂 Skip first 30 seconds.
Now go let’s go back to our business world.
1. What we can learn from them?
2. Name 3 things that you use for supporting your employees?
3. What would be the 4th thing that will make them feel like never before?
4. On a scale from 1 to 10 how would they react after that 4th thing?
5. How would that affect your business?
6. When are you going to implement that 4th thing?
Thank you for sharing your ideas with us!
Idea #19 Measuring importance
Do it When you want to improve self awareness, empathy and social expertise.
As managers sometimes we send mixed messages to our employees. We tell them that they and their work are important to us, but if you ask them usually they have different opinion. Obviously we have to learn how to take care about them and show that they mean a lot to us.
Write down names of all of your employees and job activities of each employee.
Then, for each employee answer the following questions:
1. How often you ask that person about his job?
2. Scale (from 1 to 10) where are his/her job concerns on your priority list?
3. When was the last time you have asked that person about his/her opinion?
4. When changes happen on his/her work is that person involved from the beginning or just informed at the end?
When you answer all questions for all employees you will have visual picture of how much importance you deliver to each employee.
What other question would be appropriate to make?
Idea #18 Make Your Team Rules
Do it When you motivate your team or during team building. Nobody likes rules.
That’s because rules are limitations that someone else is putting on us.
That is so demotivating. But rules are necessary for doing business.
Without them we would be in anarchy. So lets turn it around.
Ask them to write down 10 rules that are so important for them on the job.
Then one by one has to say his 10 rules and someone is writing on the flip chart. Obviously, some of the rules are gonna be said several times. Just count it like votes.
At the end you will have 10 rules or you can narrow to 5 rules that are confirmed by all of them. Those rules are your company values and can be easily transferred into company mission.
Now coaching questions for you?
Imagine that you have to make your life according to 3 rules.
1. What would you choose?
2. What sort of person would you be if you obey those 3 rules?
3. Who else would benefit then?
4. Why is this important to you?
5. What will be your next steps?
Write down on comments or if it is more … Read more
Idea #16 Yes, You can choose
Do it When you have to deal with participants that are not interested in training.
So many times people are “sent” to the training with idea of correcting there behaving.
No one likes to be changed, so we have to be very careful with them.
You can say: “OK people I know that was not your idea to come to this training. You had no choice. You came and I want to thank you. Now you have a complete choice! I want you to write down:
1. What would be the best possible outcome for you for next 2 hours (4 hours, 8 hours…)? And
2. How is that outcome going to help you in your everyday life?”
For sure you will open them, gain on your side and convey their goals with your training program.
Now questions for you?
1. What do you really want from them?
2. Why is that important to you?
3. Who would you be if you get their attention?
4. Who else would benefit then?
5. What would be some even more useful question for them?
6. How to connect their needs with needs of their job positions?
7. How are you going … Read more
Idea #15 Practicing active listening by Counting
In that movie Harry Nilsson sings: “Everybody Is Talking At Me. I don’t hear a word they’re saying, Only the echoes of my mind…” Obviously when everybody is talking, no one can hear anything. Somehow we have to practice that active listening.
Talking only when no one else is talking. Here is the most useful game for it.
I have hear it from Master ZI.
Here are the rules for this game.
You start by saying “One”, someone has to continue with “Two”. Other person will say “Three” and so on, until the last person will say the last number. Every person has to be included.
It looks so easy, but we will make it very difficult.
First, it has to be perfect silence, so only numbers can be heard. People are not allowed to communicate verbally or non verbally. It is not allowed to make predictable sequence of who is gonna be next. And finally if two
Idea #14 How to listen like Benjamin Disraeli?
Do it When you want to underline how important is active listening.
Here is a story concerning how important is active listening. William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli, both eminent British statesmen were considered as two the smartest persons in England, in the late nineteenth century. A young journalist said that she would dine with both so she could decide which one was smarter. She has compared the two men this way: “When I dined with Mr. Gladstone, I felt as though he was the smartest man in England. But when I dined with Mr. Disraeli, I felt as though I was the smartest woman in England.”
The point being made is that Gladstone spoke but Disraeli was a good listener to the woman. That evening Disraeli made the woman the center of his universe. If you practice attentiveness to others, you’ll find it does wonders.
They will enjoy it, and so will you. You will accomplish much more.
Elements of active listening skills are:
- Maintaining eye contact
- Nodding
- Be focused to hear
- Questioning
- “Listen” to the speaker’s body language
- Paraphrasing
- Summarizing
- Empathy feedback
- Not interrupting
- Not finishing his/her sentences
- Clarifying
Questions for you:
1. What also is important for … Read more