Idea #78 Exercise for raising self-awareness

Do it When you want to raise self-awareness

✔️ Which part of yourself believes there is something wrong with you?

✔️ Describe the qualities of this part of yourself.

✔️ What is s/he afraid of?

✔️ What do you get out of maintaining this belief?

I look forward to your comments.
019 selfawareness 1
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Idea #58 Be a 10 minute Observer

Do it When you want to make a change in your company. Everyone in the group still sitting in their chairs has to mentally leave the group and take some of the corners of the room. Now, looking from that position to the group he/she has to imagine a business scenario for the next year. What changes in the team have to be made? What would be the most effective thing that each of us has to make? Write down everything and discuss in the end. Do it now, because: “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine the next business year on your market! What changes do you see?
2. How those changes are affecting your business?
3. What are advantages of those changes?
4. What are the bad things in those changes?
5. What else is even more important to your right now?
6. How important to you is to make necessary changes?
7. Who else will benefit from those changes?
8. Make a list of all actions that you have to make so you will be prepared for the change?
9. Now, think about
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Idea #48 Game for smart employees

Do it When you want to prepare your team for problem solving. The hearts with numbers have to be placed in the empty hearts so that all the numbers in the same straight line add up to the number 10. Discuss how they have structured their problem solving. “Arithmetic is where the answer is right and everything is nice and you can look out of the window and see the blue sky – or the answer is wrong and you have to start over and try again and see how it comes out this time.” Carl Sandburg

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What is the main problem you are facing right now?
2. By solving that problem what will you reach?
3. What would your life look like when you reach it?
4. What other values would you have then?
5. Imagine that your solution is just 6 steps from you. What would be the very first step?
6. Name all other 5 steps?
7. Now when you have come to your goal how satisfied you are on a scale from 1 to 10?
Thank you for your time.

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Idea #45 Stand for coaching air magic sticks

Do it When you want to raise self esteem in people. On every training bring stand like one on picture below. Tell participants that it is stand for air magic sticks for coaching. Ask each one of them to take one air magic stick. They will use it on their everyday work or in life. But now they will have air magic sticks that will help them.
Whenever they have some question air magic stick will give them answer. 

Coaching questions for you are as follows:
1. What do you regard as the biggest challenge at the moment?
2. How do you know that you have been handling that challenge successfully?
3. How would you feel if you managed to cope with that challenge?
4. Which means would you use to reach the set goal?
5. What would be your first step to attain that goal?
6. Make a list of all further steps.
7. What would be the most useful system for dealing with any future challenges?
8. What else would you find beneficial to achieving your goals?
Thank you for your ideas.


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Idea #43 Last page Creative Ideas

Do it When you want to gain creative ideas. As great Albert Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Implementing coaching we are changing the way we are thinking and on the top of that we are changing the way we are writing our ideas. Whenever you have some ideas write it in notebook but start from the last page. Since our school days we have learned that all answers are written on the last pages. If you write idea #001 on the last page, you will have a plenty of pages and numbers to use but arranged in reverse order.
When you implement idea just circle it. My creative book is on this picture.

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine a problem that you can’t solve with present way of thinking. What is it?
2. How important for you is to solve that problem?
3. What would you be with that problem solved?
4. Imagine the person that might have solution to that problem. Who is he?
5. That person gives you the book with all answers. Tell me when you get that picture.
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Idea #39 Cherishing problems

Do it when you want to find real problems and answers to them. Old people say:  “Where is the illness there’s a cure”. In business world it means that people who are in the front line dealing with problems are first one who will notice them and find the answer. Just they have to be motivated to do that. Otherwise they will just complain about their destiny. So first you have to motivate them to escalate the problem to you. Make competition that every week all employees will send by email the most difficult situations.
Choose the hardest and give price to that person. Now for next 7 days all people will have to think about solving that situation. Choose the best answer and give price to that person. At the same time competition will be for the next difficult situation. So, from now on, every week you will have two competitions. First, for the best problem and second for the best answer for situation from the previous week. Just imagine how strong your team will be in a year. Special note: It is not allowed to give money for the price!

Now, coaching questions for you:… Read more

Idea #38 Hamlet’s Dilemma

Do it when you want to train decision making. So many times we have to choose between to do or not to do something. If only we could predict the future. For instance, we are planning to invest in our business but we don’t know is situation on the market going to be better or worse for our business. But after the battle it is easy to be the general. Before the battle we can (only) use matrix 2 x 2. Now we have 4 quadrants. In first we do the action (invest the money) and situation on the market is going to be better for our business. On second quadrant we are not investing money and situation on the market is better. Obviously we miss the chance to invest in good business. In third quadrant we do the action, and situation in the business is worse. So we are very sad for losing money. In fourth quadrant we don’t do the action and situation is worse in your business. Ironically we are happy because we haven’t invested in bad business. If you cautiously discuss situations in every quadrant you will notice that in 2 situations almost always you … Read more

Idea #34 Action plan at The End

Do it when you have finished your training. It is always good to see how participants have accepted training and what are they going to implement. On one page of handout give them matrix 2 x 2. In 4 quadrants give them headlines:  I will do More, I will do Less, I will Stop and I will Start. On every quadrant make at least 3 lines so they can fulfill them. At the end of that page make a space so participants can sign. This is very good commitment that they will really follow their action plan.
And remember that We Can Not Change our Past but We Can Change the Future.
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Find area in your life where you want to make improvement. Which area is that?
2. How important on a scale from 1 to 10 is it to you?
3. Whom will you be when you make that improvement?
4. To make that improvement you will have to start doing something differently. Name 3 things!
5. You will have to stop doing something. Name 3 things!
6. You will have to do something more than you are doing now? Name 3 things!Read more

Idea #21 How to learn a new skill?

Do it When your team have to learn some now skill or to face a difficult change.
People say that:” The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”. But employees are often afraid of a change. Sometimes they are even afraid of some new skill that they have to adopt. Show them that learning new skill is easy as A, B, C… or should I said Z, Y, X…?
Ask your group to say alphabet from A to Z. People will laugh and did it with moderate speed. Tell them that new task is to do the alphabet backwards. They will laugh even more and say that is not possible without reading.
Tell them that it is all up to them. If they think it is not possible, for sure they are right.
But they have 3 minutes to prepare strategy for learning and 10 minutes for practicing. During that time they can use whatever they want just to learn that new skill.
After those 13 minutes for sure they will succeed. Ask them:
How did they feel when they heard for the first time what the task is?
In which way preparation of strategy Read more

Idea #8 Tea of wishes for closing Team Building

Do it When you want to connect your people, talk about strategy, values and at the end of any training.
This is perfect for cold winter days when you are having team building outside. At the beginning of any event people have some expectations, or wishes. It is very important to have them at the beginning of any training. If you don’t know what they are expecting how can you fulfill those expectations? So, carefully write down what they say and by paraphrasing be sure that you understand it.

During the last break or at the end, when they will score evaluation form, prepare them a tea. Make those tea bags really special. On each tag write in just one word what they expected at the beginning. Now it is time for each of them to say aloud what is written on his tag, and how this training (team building) helped him in fulfilling his expectations (wishes)?
What have you learned?
How beneficial this training was on a scale from 1 to 10?
You can encourage discussion by asking the others what they can add. And I am encouraging you to say
what variations of this, or other ideas Read more