Idea #79 Team Building in the Corona time

Do it whenever your members are at the different locations and it is hard to be at the same place.

✔️ Since you are all members of the same team, it is good to have some team building activities occasionally so to refresh team vibes.

However, you live in the different states or even on the different continents, which requires some extra efforts to make it happen.

✔️ Here is one of various games you can play and enjoy your time spent together. The aim of this one is to make a whole person from different parts of your team members.

Someone with a good sense of humor may call it Frankenstein, but it is all up to you how you will name it.

When you say ready, you count to 5 and then print screen. All members will comment about all made Frankensteins. After all comments you can debrief the team members about associations, crossing their heads during the game.
This game can be a start kicker for anything you want to do further. tim bilding u doba corone
There are some questions for you:
1. During this time of the Corona virus do you recognize yourself as a victim or as someone Read more

Idea #77 Make a creative story for your brand

Do it When you want to develop creativity
Divide participants in the group of three. Give 3 cards with famous or less famous brands to each group. It doesn’t matter what the industry is. The most important part is that they have the picture of that brand in front of them. Each group will choose just one card (one brand). Then they will have to make a story connected to that brand. Dedicated time work is 5 minutes. After that they will forward their 3 brands to the next group and receive 3 new brands from the previous group. You can stop this circling (or implementation of World Café methodology) depending on the dedicated time. Leave at least two minutes for each presentation of the created stories. Most probably the stories will be fictitious. However, I have one true story for you. It is about the beer company and its famous label. The person in the picture is famous Milosav Mitrović Losa. He was a soldier in the WWI from 1914-1918. During that war he was badly wounded and the both legs were amputated. He had a coach with two horses and whenever he wanted the beer he used that … Read more

Idea #76 Life in a virtual reality! Yes or No?

Do it during an individual or team session. Imagine your world as a game with significant others who would act different roles. Let them become how you would like them to be in reality. You can change their personal traits by adding or taking away whatever you find important or irritating. Create your own rules and boundaries and see how the game is going to develop.
#76 vaš programThere are some questions for you:
1. Did you take part in this game actively as a protagonist or you only observed the game as a creator?
2. Whose personality in the game differs most from his/ her real personality?
3. How satisfied are you with your life on a scale from 1 to 10 where 10 stands for maximum satisfaction and 1 stands for minimum satisfaction.
4. How would you change the other people’ s behavior by changing your own behavior? Make a list of activities.
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma

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Idea #75 Icebreaker Emotions we remember

Do it When you want to warm up participants’ emotions.
Divide participants in a few pairs. Each pair has to recall 10 situations and identify the most dominant emotions such as joy, fear, sadness, anger that appeared then. Then each pair makes a list of 10 situations with the identified emotions. In addition, participants should dedicate a name of movie or book to each situation and emotion. After that each group will talk about the situation and its associated emotion. Then all other pairs will have to guess the name of the book or movie dedicated to each situation. After this the participants will be ready for any activities you are planning to do with them.
#75 školice

Now coaching questions for you:
1. What is your most dominant emotion on a daily basis?
2. How does that emotion affect you both personally and professionally.
3. What can you do to benefit from that emotion?
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
If you are willing to try a coaching session with me, Call me at Skype vlada.srma


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Idea #74 Old cell phones for Team Building

Do it When you want to share awareness about recycling during your Team Building.
Ask everyone from the team to bring their old cell phones with their chargers. Put all phones in one box, and all chargers in another. Now ask all participants to take a phone in the right hand and a charger in their left hand. The task is to form a circle by finding a pair on the left that has the appropriate phone for the charger in its hand. To the right, you need to find a person with a phone charger in the right hand. When all this is done, it’s likely that they will make one tangled knot. Without breaking this connection, they should form a circle in which they will be arranged according to the described invention: The phone and the corresponding charger on the right side and the charger and the corresponding phone on the left. I wish you a pleasant party.
#74 connection TB
Now coaching questions for you:
1. Think about your past life. What part of your life do you think you can use differently?
2. What would you do differently?
3. What kind of person would you become if you applied
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Idea #73 Speed up your Reading

Do it When you want to develop your team members. 
As you know team members do not have time to read books. Consequently, if they do not read, they cannot develop their skills. So here is one tip how you can motivate them to develop themselves on a daily basis. Every week one of them should start to read a book. During that week he/she should read only 30 pages of the book. At the next meeting he/she should make a small presentation on what he /she has learned. Then, all other members of the team should write down their own ideas about: How it can be implemented in their organisation. After you do that just once per week for one year period, you all will have 6 books read. On the top of it, you will have a special box full of ideas that can be implemented in your organisation. This is something that I suggest to all companies I cooperate with. Everyone is in the good mood praticing: presentation skills, brainstorming ideas, as well as learning something totally new and developing each member of the team.

Now coaching questions for you:
1. Which book do you suggest that Read more

Idea #72 The World We Live In

Do it When your want to open up participants. You need only 2 chairs. If the participants are from the different continents, then one chair will represent the North Pole and the other the South Pole. If they are from the same country, then one chair will represent the northernmost town and the other will represent the southernmost town in the country.
Ask them to find their place and to stand between those two chairs according to the distance from their hometowns and the northest or the southest part of the country.
When they finish that, they have to prepare a two- minute presentation of their hometown. What is important for that town? Who else was born there? What is a song that mentions the town? We all like to talk about ourselves and to explain how special we are!
world we live in

Now coaching questions for you:
1. Which famous person was born in your hometown?
2. What are his-her 3 personal values that you admire?
3. Concerning your life which advice will be appropriate to receive from him-her?
4. In which way would that advice change your life?
5. What kind of person would you be with accepting that advice?Read more

Idea #60 My good colleague

Do it When you want to make a stronger connection in a team. Everyone in a group has to make a profile of someone else without making so obvious who that person is. In fact the point is to tell the truth about that person, but to make it so hard to recognize. Sentences could be: “She is a cat lover. She prefers to wear a white shirt. He always makes jokes. He has a degree in economics. She is very charismatic. He is a book lover. “Another criterion is that other people can’t say: “Yeah, we all like going to the parties!” So the profile really has to be unique to that person. In the end discuss what new  you have learned about people in your team. The better we know each other, the sooner we grow as a team. Remember what Clara Ortega said: “To the outside world we all grow old. But not to our brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other’s hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.”

Now, … Read more

Idea #59 What are Characteristics of your Team?

Do it When you want to make a team building. Divide your team in the groups of three. Give them the same task. Imagine that your team is represented with an animal, but that animal has to be the combination of three animals with one characteristic from each one. For example, we are as brave as a tiger, with the speed of an antelope and we are strong like an elephant. Now each group should draw its animal as a group logo. All three members of the group should draw at the same time. At the end make presentations and discussions. Remind them of this quote: “What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for individual competitive profit or recognition, but for contribution to the system as a whole on a win-win basis.” – W. Edward Deming

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that for solving your main company problem you should develop three characteristics. Name all 3 of them?
2. What does the solution to this problem mean to you?
3. How would you know
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Idea #58 Be a 10 minute Observer

Do it When you want to make a change in your company. Everyone in the group still sitting in their chairs has to mentally leave the group and take some of the corners of the room. Now, looking from that position to the group he/she has to imagine a business scenario for the next year. What changes in the team have to be made? What would be the most effective thing that each of us has to make? Write down everything and discuss in the end. Do it now, because: “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine the next business year on your market! What changes do you see?
2. How those changes are affecting your business?
3. What are advantages of those changes?
4. What are the bad things in those changes?
5. What else is even more important to your right now?
6. How important to you is to make necessary changes?
7. Who else will benefit from those changes?
8. Make a list of all actions that you have to make so you will be prepared for the change?
9. Now, think about
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Idea #57 Handprints after 3 years in Company

Do it When you want to establish company values. Establish a book where all employees, after 3 years in company will post their handprints. On the same page each one of them will write in one sentence his/her advice to someone who is entering company. Handprints are something very personal so everyone will be glad to leave his/her marks for someone that will come after them.
As the great Marcus Tullius Cicero said: “The life of the dead is set in the memory of the living.”

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What will be the advice that you would like to write under your handprints?
2. According to that advice what would be the goal for this session?
3. What values are the most important for reaching that goal?
4. On a scale from 1 to 10 how important is to you to live under those values?
5. What would your colleagues benefit from your values?
6. How would you implement your goal?
7. What obstacles would you overcome?
8. Explain how you have overcome each obstacle in 5 sentences?
9. When was the first sight that you are on the right tracks?
10. When you have finished
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Idea #55 What we have learned from donkeys

Do it When you train team building. First tell them a story: Once upon a time there were two donkeys that were tied together. They both wanted to eat off the bushes but the rope wasn’t long enough. They both really wanted to eat but they just couldn’t reach,so they just pulled and pulled hoping that the rope would stretch but it wouldn’t. Because they couldn’t reach,the donkey just sat and tried to think of a way to eat? Then one suddenly clicked and said “now that we are friends why don’t we just stand next to each other and take turns”. They decided they’d eaten all they could from the other bush, so they moved to the next one and carried on all day.
Now, ask each of  them to write a list of things that he/she will do for other members of the team. The employee with the longest list will receive a prize.
Make smaller prizes for all members of the team.

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that you can help your team members in the way that is the most valuable for them. What would it be?
2. Why is that so important for Read more

Idea #54 Rafting as Team Building + Stress Reduction

Do it When you have team building during white water rafting. If you have chance to go with your employee to white water rafting that is perfect chance to perform team building. If you need team building program just ask me. At this point I just want to remind that this is perfect situation for stress reduction from the team. Just bring with you water pistols, water guns and plastic washbowls. Usually people don’t have idea to bring those features at rafting but when you have several boats people will immediately start splashing crew of other boat. So just let them enjoy the ride. During other games for sure you will make discussion about things you have seen during splashing.

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Where is the best environment for you for team building?
2. What would you do there?
3. What resources you need for that?
4. What capabilities are mandatory for successful team building?
5. Why is so important for you to have the best team building?
6. What values would you confirm there?
7. Who would you be after that?
8. Who else would benefit from that?
9. Write your full action plan
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Idea #53 Tennis ball & Team Building

Do it When you have team building. People are standing in a group or sitting around the table. Give them an easy task: Tennis ball has to pass everyone’s hands as quicker as possible. Team members will have to prepare strategy. Usually they will start with quick throwing ball. Measure their time and tell them that it can be quicker. They will start doing that quicker for sure. After several tries tell them that record is 2 second. After the first shock they will manage how to do it. They just have to make “tube” with everyone’s hands and pass the ball through that “tube”. Everyone will be happy with new idea.  “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” – Antoine de Saint

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that your team has become perfect?
2. Why is that so important to you?
3. How would you know that
your team is perfect?
4. What other valuess would you have then?
5. What else is even more important
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Idea #49 Deaf dance

Do it When you want to build your team. Task for a team leader is to perform a musical composition just by clapping with his hands and stepping with his feet. Then his team has to repeat this activity and say what the name of the song that he has performed is. He has to make 3 different performances, and his team has to guess at least two of them. After that we need to discuss what we can do to make a better connection between a leader and the team.

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that you are a perfect team leader. What does it look like?
2. Why is that important for your business?
3. How can you know that 
you are perfect?
4. What other values do you have then?
5. What else is even more important to you?
6. Who else can benefit from you as a perfect team leader
7. How can you be sure that you are on the right track to achieve your goal?
8. Who can help you on your way towards the goal?
9. How would you engage all those people to help you?
10. What will the
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Idea #46 Make your company commercial

Do it During Team Building when you want to establish company values. Divide participants in smaller teams. Tell them that they have to make company commercial. Each team will have to prepare scenario, do the acting and video tape commercial. If you have a time they can use different computer programs and prepare movie. In the evening you will have presentation of commercials.  After that you will have discussion. What was the message that we were sending from our company?

Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What is you key message that you want to send to the other people?
2. Why is that message so important to you?
3. How that message is influencing your everyday life?
4. Who else thinks that message is important?
5. How those people could be helpful in spreading that message?
6. How could you make that massage even more important?
7. What would be your action plan for making your message widely spread?
8. Now when you have made your plan, how do you feel?
Thank you and good luck.

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Idea #35 You in 5

Do it when you have to explain the importance of change. Give a flip chart paper to participants.  Their task is to draw. First, in lower left part they have to draw them in present time. Their faces are toward center of the paper. Then in upper right part of the paper, they have to draw themselves in 5 years. Again faces turned to the center of the paper. Now they have to connect those 2 pictures. They can choose type of the line. It can be straight or more in the waving mood. But it has to start from left lower corner and finish at upper right corner. Now they have to draw and explain critical moments in those 5 years. What they predict has happened and how they have overcome it.
Crucial is that suddenly they will come to the idea that they have to change themselves.
At this moment mankind posses only 5% of the knowledge that it will have in 2060.
So we have to invent and to learn 95% of it.  Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine yourself going in year 2060 and taking that knowledge. Remember now you have only 5% of Read more

Idea #34 Action plan at The End

Do it when you have finished your training. It is always good to see how participants have accepted training and what are they going to implement. On one page of handout give them matrix 2 x 2. In 4 quadrants give them headlines:  I will do More, I will do Less, I will Stop and I will Start. On every quadrant make at least 3 lines so they can fulfill them. At the end of that page make a space so participants can sign. This is very good commitment that they will really follow their action plan.
And remember that We Can Not Change our Past but We Can Change the Future.
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Find area in your life where you want to make improvement. Which area is that?
2. How important on a scale from 1 to 10 is it to you?
3. Whom will you be when you make that improvement?
4. To make that improvement you will have to start doing something differently. Name 3 things!
5. You will have to stop doing something. Name 3 things!
6. You will have to do something more than you are doing now? Name 3 things!Read more

Idea #32 Change what you do

Do it when you want to show importance of change. Give to all participants colored paper balls. Ideally, there are 14 of participants. On your sign they have to throw paper balls to each other. Every time someone has to catch just one ball. On sign everyone will have new ball. Do that 8 to 10 times. Then ask them to wrap up all paper balls.
On every paper should be just one word. Give them 3 minutes to make sentence.
Correct answer should be “If you do what you always do you will get what you always get.”
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that you can restart your life, starting from the year that you are now. But, you can work your dream job. What it will be?
2. How will you know that it is your real dream job?
3. How satisfied would you be on a scale from 1 to 10?
4. Who would you be working that job?
5. Who else will be proud of you?
6. What type of resource you have?
7. What would you be ready to do to achieve that dream job?
8. What would be your first step?Read more

Idea #28 Positive feedback for the end

Do it When you are finishing the training. After any training it is very important that people leave it with positive feeling. This means that everyone has done his part in developing total success. Using this tool everyone will leave training with something very concrete. Supply everyone with piece of paper. Then he/she has to write his/her name on the top of the paper. Than each one has to give his paper to the person left to him/her. Each person has to write one sentence what that person has developed during that training. After that he will pass that paper to the left. At the end every person will have positive feedback from all colleagues. It is important that one by one read aloud what was written.
!#28Now, coaching questions for you:
1. What was the nicest thing that anyone in the company said to you?
2. How you have felt when you heard that?
3. What other values you had that time?
4. Which melody can repeat that feeling to you?
5. What other things you can do to regain those feeling?
6. Where and when in the future you can use those values?
Thank you and … Read more

Idea #27 Your office library

Do it When you want to make your employees to learn for a lifetime. In every office there is a library, because every employee has to learn.
As great Peter Drucker said: “We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” This game you can play with your team, but also this library can be for real.
Your team has to make drawing of library that will represent your company. Everyone has to participate and to explain what is so special and unique for your company.
At the end send drawing to the carpenter and you will have special library that every employee will be glad to read.
Now, coaching questions for you:
1. Imagine that solution to your main company problem is in one of your books in your library. What is it?
2. Why is solving that problem so important to you?
3. On which book shelf is that book?
4. What is the name of that book?
5. Turn the last page, where usually are all answers?
6. What is the first answer to that question?
7. What Read more

Idea #26 Firm as this stone

Do it When you want quickly to introduce all participants, and make them think about their characteristics. Give the basket with stones to the participants. Everyone has to take one stone and keep it in his hand. After that one by one each person has to say: 1) His name 2) His job position and the most importantly 3) His main good characteristic. He will do that by saying: “My enthusiasm is firm like this stone!”
After this introduction you can ask them questions like: “How each of those characteristics can be useful to our team or that training?”
Coaching questions for you are:
1. You have to take one stone and keep it all your life remembering about your most important good characteristic. What is it?
2. Knowing that you have that characteristic, what are the other 2 good characteristics that you also posses and maybe you are not so aware about them?
3. Now when you have those 3 characteristics, choose some area of your life, and some specific goal where you can use them. What is that goal?
4. How important on a scale from 1 to 10 is completing that goal?
5. Why is Read more

Idea #24 Masters I give you 3 wishes each

Do it When you want to know what is really important to your people and what they want to change. Just imagine that in a basement of your company building you have found an old lamp.   When you rub it a good genie appears.  The genie gives to each member of your team 3 wishes.  Everyone has to make 3 changes. You have to change yourself, your manager and your job.

You have 5 minutes for preparation and then you start presentations, one by one.
You can make variations by making dividing people on groups of 3, so they can work and make presentation together. In that case give them flip chart. when you finish make a picture of presentations and use them in your company, Of course send one copy to us.

1. While that good genie is in the house, ask him for one additional wish. What it will be?
2. Why is it so important to you, that you will spend that one wish on it?
3. What changes in your life it will make?
4. How might you take it even further?
5. What skills would you need for it?
6. How are going Read more

Idea #23 Why do you respect your boss?

Do it When you want to connect people and make a team. 
African born English Writer, William Plomer said: “Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.”
Now, we are going to implement that creativity in practice. All you need is love 🙂 and a bag of m&ms or any other colored candies.
Closed eyes each member of your team has to take one candy. Just tell them that take it doesn’t mean eat it.
When everyone has his candy including you tell them the rules. One by one according to clockwise order, everyone has to tell in 3 sentences a story based on following:
Red candy: Why he/she likes to work in your company?
Blue candy: When  he/she was the most proud during his career?
Yellow candy: What was the most difficult client and how he/she has solved that?
Brown candy: When was the time he has felt miserable and how he has overcame that?
Green candy: What is his/her the most ambitious plan in your company?
Orange candy: What his/her boss said to him that made him the proudest person?
When all finish they can eat candies, and we can start coaching!
1. Now,
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Idea #21 How to learn a new skill?

Do it When your team have to learn some now skill or to face a difficult change.
People say that:” The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”. But employees are often afraid of a change. Sometimes they are even afraid of some new skill that they have to adopt. Show them that learning new skill is easy as A, B, C… or should I said Z, Y, X…?
Ask your group to say alphabet from A to Z. People will laugh and did it with moderate speed. Tell them that new task is to do the alphabet backwards. They will laugh even more and say that is not possible without reading.
Tell them that it is all up to them. If they think it is not possible, for sure they are right.
But they have 3 minutes to prepare strategy for learning and 10 minutes for practicing. During that time they can use whatever they want just to learn that new skill.
After those 13 minutes for sure they will succeed. Ask them:
How did they feel when they heard for the first time what the task is?
In which way preparation of strategy Read more